Has your organisation often struggled to connect service users to appropriate support services? Or found service users struggle to follow up with signposting recommendations?
The NCAN referral system facilitates professional, accurate and timely referrals between agencies across Norfolk to ensure your clients get the support they need where and when they need it. The system is web-based so it can be accessed from any device.
Benefits for the Client:
- receiving organisation contacts the client;
- they are referred to the most appropriate agency securely and quickly;
- clients don’t have to repeat their story.
Benefits for the Agency:
- access multiple organisations from across Norfolk;
- send client documents, contact details, and confidential information securely;
- track progress of outgoing referrals;
- data can be analysed to help measure your agency’s impact;
- promote shared processes & partnership working;
- prevent duplication of triage work.
Analysis & Reporting:
- with a built-in monitoring and analysis function, the NCAN Referral System facilitates analysis of referrals from and to organisations;
- this analysis can be used to demonstrate impact by sector, geographic and demographic groupings, thus providing valuable impact measurements.
- integral to the NCAN Referral System is a directory of organisations in the county that provide information and advice on a range of different topics;
- the Directory provides further information on the advice agencies, enabling the referrer to select the correct agency for the client.
⇒ To register your organisation, please contact NCAN to discuss next steps.
⇒ If you are a member of an organisation already on the NCAN Referral System, please download the sign-up forms here and return them to ncan@ncls.co.uk to be offered a training session and have your user account created. Training takes place fortnightly online.
Click here to download our Policy and Procedures for Use Document