Catch22 is a social business: a not-for-profit business with a social mission. For over 200 years we have designed and delivered services that build resilience and aspiration in people and communities.
We deliver high-quality, tailored programmes that equip individuals facing barriers to work with the support they need for a path into sustainable employment or training. We help individuals who are struggling to find employment.
Energise: powering lasting careers – funded by Shell Energy
Connecting people aged 18+ who face barriers to work to entry-level energy transition jobs and apprenticeships.
Every service user who participates in the programme will be given a dedicated Employability Coach who will offer tailored one-to-one support. This support will consist of employability upskilling such as CV building, cover letter writing, interview skills, wellbeing support (including confidence and motivation exercises), and employer expectation support (including interview clothing and journey preparation).
They will then take part in a series of Insight to Energy Transition Opportunities workshops, over the course of four weeks. These focus on what energy transition jobs look like, examples of industries that comply, and the positive changes that energy transition opportunities can bring.
Our support does not end once a participant is placed into a role. We will meet with participants on a monthly basis to discuss any barriers that they may be facing, and to provide financial support with travel expenses.
Referral Criteria
Anyone living in Norfolk who is aged 18 and above and has at least one barrier to employment