Age UK Norfolk OFFER:
We offer advice and support to people ages 50+ throughout Norfolk. We have teams specialising in Information and Advice, Digital Inclusion, Telephone Befriending, Advocacy, Financial advice and Travelling Companionship.
For more information, please check our main page and follow the links to our different services.
We support people aged 50 and over, including carers and families (excludes Norwich city council area for Advice service). Users of Telephone Befriending and Money Matters must be 65 or over
Age UK Norwich OFFER: We offer help and advice about benefits, housing, debt, money, lasting power of attorney, social care and support, telephone befriending and activities. We also offer Health Coaching (during periods of illness or injury, or to adjust to long-term conditions), Complex Community Care Support (helping people living with complex health and/or social conditions who need regular practical and emotional support to live as independently as possible), Social activities and events and Telephone Befriending and Active Befriending services. In addition, Vera, our virtual assistant, is available to give information via our website.
CRITERIA: Our services are for people aged 50 and over, including carers and families, in the Norwich and Greater Norwich area.
Deaf Connexions OFFER:
We offer advice on discrimination, education, healthcare and welfare benefits.
Our advocacy service is for people in Norwich and East Norfolk.
Equal Lives Advice and Membership (Closed until April 2025) OFFER:
We are a Disabled Persons’ Organisation run by disabled people for disabled people. We offer information and advice in areas such as discrimination, accessibility and social care.
Our service is for disabled people, people with mental health needs and anyone facing disabling barriers in Norfolk
Equal Lives Advocacy do not accept referrals for advocacy via the NCAN website.
Fresh Start Future Enterprises OFFER:
Fresh Start are a lived experience charity that offers advocacy, advice and guidance to anyone who has been involved with the criminal justice system, or at risk of offending, as well as helping them access services that may be of help to them. We offer a bespoke service, which is person centred. We provide workshops aimed at encouraging people to be job ready, live independently and ultimately create foundations that reduce the risks to re-offending.
Our service is available to anyone living in Norfolk, or intending to live in Norfolk, aged over 18 years of age, involved in the Criminal Justice System or at risk of becoming involved.
Norfolk Advocacy Partnership Advocacy Partnership advocates for systems-wide change across Norfolk. We aim to disable barriers for people of protected characteristics, from disability to age and race.
Our Partners include Equal Lives, Age UK Norwich, Age UK Norfolk, Deaf Connexions, MAP, Opening Doors, The Bridge+ and West Norfolk Deaf Association.
Opening Doors OFFER:
We are a user-led organisation run by and for people with learning disabilities. We offer information, advice and support on discrimination, healthcare, welfare benefits social care and advocacy.
We support adults with learning disabilities in Norfolk.
Royal Association for Deaf people (RAD) OFFER
We offer advocacy covering many areas including.
• NHS complaints Advocacy
• Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)
• Care Act Advocacy
• Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)
• Relevant Paid Persons Representative
Over 18yrs
Deaf / Hard of Hearing / Deafblind
Cover all area in Norfolk
Wonder+ offers advocacy, advice and guidance to women offenders, or at risk of offending, as well as helping them access services that may be of help to them.
Our service is available to women living in Norfolk, or intending to live in Norfolk, aged over 18 years of age, involved in the Criminal Justice System or at risk of becoming involved.