Future Projects is a community based charity which works through its programmes and projects to overcome social exclusion and enrich people's lives. We aim to Engage, Inspire, Educate and then Support our clients and service users to overcome their barriers and achieve their aspirations, empowering them with the confidence, skills and knowledge necessary to resolve their own needs in the long term.
For people living in Norwich and the surrounding areas but we cannot do outreach.
Future Support – A collection of specialist support services which help those most in need through hands-on support advice and advocacy. Much of our work focuses on supporting those that would fall through the gaps in other services and develop more entrenched, complex problems without preventative help.
Support is time focused, not time limited and we adopt a ‘No Wrong Door’ policy, aiming to help all who need us.
If we are unable to provide the support needed, we will provide the help to find the right service. Support includes:
- • Health and Wellbeing
- • Housing and homelessness
- • Welfare Rights and Benefits
- • Debt and Money Advice
- • Criminal Justice & Offender Support
- • Family Support
- • Therapeutic Education
- • Volunteering
- • Employment Support
- • Training & Skills
- • Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation
- • Community Development
Phone number; 01603 327 889 (Future Support) Email; support@futureprojects.org.uk