TimeNorfolk provides free support across Norfolk to anyone who has been affected by pregnancy loss, an unexpected pregnancy or pregnancy related issues. We support those with a mild or moderate mental health challenge related to pregnancy.
Our Aims Are:
To support anyone in distress as a result of pregnancy, birth, pregnancy loss, termination or infertility. To support pregnant women and their partners to make an informed choice regarding their options: termination, adoption, or parenting, with referral to appropriate agencies.
We recognise that men can be deeply affected by an unplanned pregnancy, miscarriage or termination and that for many women the involvement and support of their partner is vitally important, both in the termination decision and in their recovery, therefore our services are also available to men.
The Norwich centre was opened in 1999 and quickly grew to cover the whole of Norfolk. We currently have 6 paid part-time staff and over 20 volunteers with hubs in Norwich, Great Yarmouth and Kings-Lynn.